
Open Your World

  openMind 2nd Edition builds on the success of the first edition of this American English young adult and adult course, providing learners with professional, academic and personal skills. Language skills are systematically developed in the course alongside the 21st century skills that students need in order to have a better awareness of self and society, to handle the demands of their study and learning and to deal with challenges in their work and career.

  Part of The Mind Series, incorporating masterMind, the course offers a flexible combination of materials to ensure that students are learning from a variety of sources: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study Online Workbooks, and projectable Student's Books.


  The openMind 2nd edition Student's Book Pack A contains a split edition of the print Student's Book covering units 1-6.

  Each unit incorporates the course theme of Life Skills, along with Grammar sections, Support boxes and a writing syllabus.

  There is a webcode providing access to the Student's Resource Center where video worksheets and audio are available is included.


  •Print Student’s Book with engaging activities
  •This Split edition contains Units 1-6
  •Clear, vibrant and visual unit openers
  •Revised Grammar sections with a step-by-step structure to make understanding easier
  •Independent Learning boxes such as ‘Notice!’, ‘How are you doing?’ and ‘Reflect’
  •Each unit follows the course theme of Life Skills
  •Webcode included – providing access to the Student’s Resource Center
  •The Student’s Resource Center contains extra downloadable video worksheets and Class audio MP3


  • ISBN:9780230480247
  • 規格:平裝 / 88頁 / 21 x 29.2 x 0.44 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 本書分類:> >
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... ▲新冠病毒感染力驚人。(圖/路透) 新冠肺炎爆發至今3個多月,目前各國僅以支持性療法治療,尚未有能對癥下藥的疫苗或藥物。世界各國的醫療衛生單位也都呼籲民眾需要勤消毒、洗手,做好個人、他人的衛生保健,就是為了防範新冠病毒擴散。日前《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》中更提到,當患者咳嗽、打噴嚏時,產生的氣溶膠可讓病毒存活3小時,且具有強大的傳染力;如今研究顯示,新冠病毒在「鞋底」可以存活5天。 根據英國《每日郵報》報導,日前在《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》中提到,專家發現新冠病毒在部分物體表面上,仍保存強大的傳染力,在塑料、不鏽鋼上,更能在3天後還能測試到活病毒;而在硬紙板上病毒則無法存活24小時,銅製品上能活4小時,但有一半病毒在46分鐘內就會失去功能。 ... ▲醫師發現新冠病毒可在鞋底存活5天甚至更久。(圖/示意圖/取自免費圖庫Pixabay) 美國聖地牙哥醫師Georgine Nanos就表示,其中「鞋子」很有可能也是新冠病毒主要的傳染管道之一,因為鞋底是細菌、真菌、病毒的主要孳生地,這樣的說法同樣得到傳染病學家施密特(Mary E. Schmidt)的支持。施密特表示,「新冠病毒可以靠鞋底和合成纖維生存5天」,而在公車、超市這樣的公共場合最容易夾帶。 專家指出,鞋底通常有多數細菌、病毒滋生,而新冠肺炎患者所呼出的氣體所形成的氣溶膠可讓病毒存活三小時,而在這3小時內,病毒仍有極大的傳染力,若鞋底踩到後,則可再延長存活、感染力時間。 因此也建議,近期新冠肺炎高峰之期,民眾返家或是在脫鞋的場合,可以將鞋底酒精或消毒液消毒,或是放在門外,而如醫療工作者、店員等可以有別的鞋換穿。










壹讀 https://read01.com/7R50QN8.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010654681




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